Dec 6, 2008

IT 422-FREE ELECTIVE Requirements

Month of December 2008 Requirements

Make a decision and finalize your topics for presentation about the information systems. Carefully study the chosen system, categorize and make a discussion about the following aspects:

  1. People – who are involved in the system and what are their roles and why they are important.
  2. Hardware – what are the physical requirements, explain the use, and how these things being used in the system.
  3. Software – the logical requirements, uses, and how these things being used.
  4. Data/Information – what particular information the system’s processes, how these informations affect the business, what’s the impact of this info., how these info. being used.
  5. Processes/Rules – what are the processes the system performs and how?


Work on this activity by pair. No text and paragraph formats required, but don’t forget the FrontPage which will contains the names of students, course, date submitted, and the Information System’s Name. Submit your computerized clear answers on a minimum of 5 pages plain papers (excluding the frontpage) before CHRISTMAS VACATION. No answers will be marked ZERO for this undertaking. STRICTLY: Late papers will not be accepted. Stapled papers will be good enough; do not place it in folder. Make use of your 2-weeks time wisely. Please follow instructions (as stated line-by-line in this paragraph). God Bless.


Include the above aspects in your presentation. Create an abstract or rationale telling why the class should listen to the said topic. Discuss the Project Statement – The Problem, present its objectives, and significance of the project. Also, include the systems analysis report – the mechanism of how the system be created as well as its processes. Systems Analysis Report should contain Systems Requirements Specification.

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